Book about wedding traditions
Weddings of the world
From Nigeria to Yamal
72 pages
Book size
Readers’ age
22,5 / 30 cm
Book format
Published by "Gorodets"
Is there such a thing as a red wedding dress? And black? And... a fur coat? Why do Chinese brides step on saddles, Armenian brides put pita on their shoulders, and Berber brides are sewn up in sacks?
What this book is about
Can a man marry the sea? Who and from whom does one really hide behind a veil? Why do some countries shoot at weddings, others cry, still others jump and shout, and everyone is only more happy about it?
This book is the most real wedding journey from Nigeria to Yamal in a time machine! Together with the heroine, the granddaughter of seven grandmothers, you will visit different cultures and eras, understand the real meaning of mysterious rituals, learn what pies were served at feasts in ancient times, and visit the most famous and unusual weddings in the world.
Grandmothers with their wedding stories
Red wedding
Black dress and money dance
Spices and the groom's procession
Unusual traditions of northern weddings
How to get married in the desert
The most danceable wedding
Costumes of the guests and trials of the groom
Double-page spreads
Graduated from the Art Academy in Saint -Petersburg.

Two time winner of the international competition of book illustrations and design "Image of the Book" 2020 and 2022. Nominations: best non-fiction illustrations and author book.

​Published as author and illustrator of non-fiction illustrated books "Where do letters come from" and "Take it and draw it" at biggest publishing house in Russia EKSMO​

Participant of a multi-format educational ProfessionART program designed for professional artists with disabilities.
About author and illustrator
My other projects:
The House That HUMAN Built
This non-fiction book is about the most fantastic residential buildings in the world. It tells a story about travel, featuring elements of comics and Wimmelbuch.
The Whole World in the Mailbox
The book is about how to find friends in any country of the world using postcards. The book is a diary of Nune, 11 year old girl. Nune talks about the most unusual postcards she receives and fantasizes about how their senders live.
It's a Cat! / It's a Dog!
If your child asks for a kitten or a puppy, reading this book first is the best idea. The author, along with experts, using simple language, comics, games, and pictures, tells families how to organize their life with a pet so that everyone is happy.
If you like the project, email me: